Saturday, October 3, 2009

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Today I am hosting my Second Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Project Art Show Reception and publishing this blogspot. I share this with all those close to Kim and those affected by the tragic losses of Domestic Violence.
Loss of self...loss of souls...loss of children ...and the ultimate...loss of life... 

Reflecting on the year gone by with the approach of the anniversary of Kim's brutal death, I still cannot grasp the reality but senseless act which took my daughter, my friend. I don't know what to do..... I feel powerless....the best I can do is to host this show, publish this blog and work towards seeking justice for Kim by not letting this man get away with murder. Anyone who has any information, feel free to follow my blog and post your comments and update information concerning this criminal case.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Why I created this blog.....

I created this forum for my daughter Kimberly Ann Long who was brutally murdered in November, 2008 in Las Vegas NV. Caught in a domestic dispute with her boyfriend and his father, she did not escape the wrath that they had planned for her. Upon her arrival home from a long night's work at the Gold Coast Casino, she was met by her boyfriend's father, retired FBI agent Edward Preciado, who confronted her while two of her four children lay sleeping inside. Her only goal was to get her children and leave an ever growing tense situation brought on by the breakup of her relationship with the murder suspects' son Jeff Preciado. She had no chance.....the confrontation escalated and she is found beaten many...many times with a hammer to the back of the head and many other parts of the body. Edward Preciado is found holding the hammer,claiming self defense, after beating my daughter to death.
Believe it or not he is not in Jail. He made bail of 250,000 in March to await trial.
Google the name and you will find news details.
My heart has been unable to process this brutal attack and lack of justice until now. I have created this blog in Honor of my daughter, who's story deserves to be told, heard and spoke about in hopes of getting her murderer behind bars where he belongs. bring attention to the evergrowing cultural and social madness of Domestic Violence!