Saturday, August 1, 2020

Killer gets out TODAY!

Today he was released on parole. 
Three of the the 4 children are all adults and now have a voice to help them fight for continued justice, now that this evil has been released! 

Her sister has set up a GOFUNDME page to help with the expenses of protection from him.  

News video at time of killing:
News Article:

APPEAL? 2014

Habeas Corpus Claim?

This is so surreal to think that time has gone by....12 years since the murder! Yes, it took two years to go to trial and during that time he was on house arrest, an unheard of grant for such a heinous crime!
 10 years for the brutal killing of an innocent mother?!!!!
Where is justice?
May God bless her children and all those who continue to mourn the loss of a MOM, Daughter,
Sister & Friend!

We LOVE YOU! Kimberly RIP  

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Happy Heavenly Birthday, Kimberly!

Letter to our Angel...

While you've been gone,
Your children are growing,
working, teaching,
playing and loving, making you proud!
Your sisters have families that you would have enjoyed, playing Aunt Kim would have been fun and quite loud.
Your Mom and Dad have continued on despite the pain in their hearts,
sharing their love to those left behind.
While you've been gone...
we have missed your smile,
your warm, gentle love that touched us for a while.
While you've been gone..
we have loved and we have lost,
we hold on to the thought that you hold a special place in heaven for us.