Well...two birthdays have passed without you...and things are the same..who can move forward from this? Something just stops abruptly ...and that's it.... nothing.... nothing but a void...a deep void that no one can fill but you! Now, only the memories of you. Your gorgeous smile, your tender demeaner, your quiet laugh.....we hold those great impressions that you made to your family and friends in your short tender life, close to our hearts and all we can do is pray for justice and trust God.
I guess that is all we can do....is keep the Faith and Trust.
Today, we celebrate your Birth! Today is your birthday and no one can take that from you. The bittersweet of that day comes back to me, as I let you go to a good family, hoping I made the right decision as a young girl myself "in trouble". I'm still amazed at what a beautiful girl you had grown to be! I'm so honored and proud to have had 10 years as your friend and second MOM. We celebrate you today, and today I honor your life! Happy Birthday, Kim I"ll love you always, Bev
Update: March 11, 2010 Court date concerning the status of the case in their preparations for trial in May. From what I understand, this is just to make sure that the defense and prosecuting attourneys will be prepared for trial in May.
My warmest thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family... Here is one of my articles about this case: