Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Las Vegas Review Journal Wed. Dec. 22

I spoke on Kim's behalf....I want to say however, I thought the District attorney's in this case were exceptional!!!! Probation in this case would be I said it ain't over yet....
I spoke on Kim's behalf....

Blocked users.......Convicted of Voluntary Manslaughter 2-20 years...It ain't over yet!

People who have commented on EP's behalf....I have read your have a right to say what you want, and believe what you want...but you are not welcome here.......I was there, I saw all of the testimony...and based on what I saw, heard and experienced, there was ABSOLUTELY NO JUSTIFCATION FOR THIS MAN"S BEHAVIOR AND IN THE WILLFULL INTENT TO KILL MY DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!! you can say all you want about Kim...and I don't care who he was, is, or will be! I watched a man show absolutely no remorse, a family who was rude and dominating in the hallways and elevators throughout this trial. She never had a chance to rise above herself grow to learn how life would be, as we all have had to endure our own mistakes and have had the opportunity to rise through our mistakes.......HE IS A CONVICTED KILLER NOW..... AND IS BEHIND BARS WHERE HE BELONGS!!!!!!!!
Create your own blog......

Monday, December 20, 2010

A previous article

I reread this article and just wanted to post the link again as it recounts inital testimony in preliminary trial.
And it does Sum up what I have heard and observed.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Las Vegas Sun Article 12/7/2010 Link

Monday, December 6, 2010

"Trip to Trial"

The trial will begin today, Dec. 6, 2010 Jury selection will be the focus of Monday and Tuesday.
I hope that it doesn't start until Wed. afternoon because....I will be flying out Wed. morning and arrive, God willing, in Las Vegas at 12:25 pm. From there I plan to go to the courthouse.
 I hope that I will not miss out on any opening statements. We'll see...

The courtroom holds it trials from 1 pm to 5 pm Monday - Friday

Throughout this ordeal there has been no definite answers to any questions I have had.
Only that you will find it all to be extremely frustrating and hard. That has been true!
After two years we continue to be in limbo for justice for Kim and her family!
We can only hope and pray for a speedy and just trial........
....please keep all involed in your prayers, especially Kyle, Katie, Cody and Jacob!
I will keep the blog posted during the trial the best I can.
Thanks to all for your support!
  Peace to all! Bev   

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Letter to to the DA Office

Saturday, Nov. 13, marked the 2 year anniversary of Kim's brutal death. I sat down Sunday the 14th and finally wrote a letter to the DA's office.....For no other reason than to let them know my thoughts and experiences leading up to her murder that fateful day. I felt they had to hear from me. I emailed it to their office and this is the letter I wrote. 
To: Mr. Jon Carlos Pesci
Clark County District Attorney’s Office NV
Re: Case # C251430 

Dear Mr. Pesci,                                                                                                                       Nov. 14, 2008                         
I am the biological Mom to Kimberly Ann Long. I have been meaning to write to you for a long time. Today seems to be the day, the day after the 2nd anniversary of her brutal murder.
 I had talked to Joanna Rash and she said that she would forward this letter to you. I am writing this letter in the need to tell my side of the story and to feel that I have reached out in some way on behalf of Kim, as this whole ordeal has been emotionally devastating.
A brief history seems to be important for you to know my relationship with Kimmie. I had given her up for adoption when I was 17. Luckily, she went to good home that of Carol and Ron Heckler.
When Kim was expecting her 2nd baby, Katie, she felt it was time to find me and did so courageously. We immediately melded and were both so grateful as to find each other. We talked often sometimes once a week.  We kept and touch and visited each other several times. I think she felt she could confide in me and often talked about her ups and downs. I was able to understand her challenges, as my life had mirrored some of hers.  She was a beautiful and vibrant girl...more than I could have imagined her to turn out to be. I was blessed to have found her and to know her.
My heart and soul was taken away that awful day, two years ago. I continually search for something, something to do, something to say, something to help me get a grip on this horrific act.
Kim was kind, gentle, artistic and loving. She had aspirations of creating a home for her children and a life with Jeffrey Preciado.  Unfortunately this was not going to happen. This relationship was very rocky. Up and down with bouts of alcoholism and domestic violence. She continually tried to rise above it and would confide in me for encouragement, guidance and prayer. She did not want to give up on her quest to have her family. “She loved him” she would say.
On Nov. 12, 2008 she called me and we spoke for almost two hours. She told me of the previous episode of domestic violence and said she had finally resolved the fact that it was time to give up and move on. She repeatedly told how Jeff and most importantly, Edward were blaming her for Jeff’s drinking, drugging and gambling and the cause of the messed up relationship. I believe those arguments with Edward were frequent during the days leading up to the murder.  She was so concerned that it wasn’t her could it be her fault? She wanted this to work. I told her that she needed to leave the residence as soon as possible to find a safe place for her and the kids. She was crying and I didn’t know what to do 3,000 miles away except continue to emphasize that she needed to get out. She told me that Edward was there and that he was harassing her continually blaming her and telling her what a bad mother she was. This hurt her immensely as she loved her children. She was frightened for her children and said that she had a friend and assured me that she would leave as soon as she could. That is when the call ended and I prayed that she had the support she needed to get through this. I know how volatile things can get.
The next night I get the news of this abominable act of violence. I was shocked and devastated.  The brutal details followed and I flew out to Vegas for her memorial with no body...charred remains after being cremated.
Kim and I had a future, a life of reconnection and memories that will never happen. Edward Preciado and his son Jeff fueled the descent and take down of my daughter. Their verbal and physical abuse weakened her emotionally and physically. Their conspiracy to incriminate Kim led to the ultimate brutal death of my daughter.  This man and his son need to pay for this high crime. Yes, his son. I believe there should be charges brought to Jeff for conspiracy.  Both Edward and Jeffrey conspired to commit a crime and put my daughter in jeopardy, in a dangerous and volatile scenario that ultimately would lead to their aspired outcome; sole custody of Jacob and Kimberly out of the picture.
I don’t have all the facts, of course, as they will be revealed at the trial. I will be present at the trial on behalf of Kimberly Ann. I hope and pray that justice will be served and that your office has the confidence to convict this man and to sentence him to LIFE without parole. His arrogance and lack of remorse as well as his connection to the FBI, frightens me to think that he will not be prosecuted to the full extent. How he could get out on bail along with the ability to leave the state twice is beyond me.  That is where my fear lies. My only hope is the Trust in your office. Thank you!
Thank you for your time to read this and I look forward to meeting you in the future.
Sincerely, Beverly Saunders

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Trial date and End of DV Art Show 2010

I have contacted the DA's office in Vegas and found that on Nov. 29 there will be a Calendar Call, which means, we will not know for sure if the trial scheduled for Dec. 6 will go forward until Nov. 29th. If it is sceheduled on the calendar the first 1-3 days are jury selection. Trials on average take approximately 2 weeks. The trial will be held at the Clark County Regional Justice Center 200 Lewis Ave Las Vegas, NV
 Preciding Judge Mosely as far as I know. The Prosecuting Attourney Juan Carlos- Pesci.

The closing of the "Third Annual Domestic Violence Awareness Project " ends with success.
bjsartworks raised over $400.00 this year and presented Warren-Washington-Saratoga County Chapter Catholic Charities with the check. Thanks to all for your support!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Latest news article in defense of our Beloved Kimberly

Finally a breath of hope in Kim's behalf. Let's hope the media keeps the pressure on to get justice for Kim. Hat's Off to Julia Davis at the Homeland Security Examiner in LA! Thanks Julia!

Click here to read News article on Kimmy's behalf. 

or copy and paste the following text in your browser.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Kimmie would have been 33 Today, Feb.13, 2010

Well...two birthdays have passed without you...and things are the same..who can move forward from this? Something just stops abruptly ...and that's it.... nothing.... nothing but a void...a deep void that no one can fill but you! Now, only the memories of you. Your gorgeous smile, your tender demeaner, your quiet laugh.....we hold those great impressions that you made to your family and friends in your short tender life, close to our hearts and all we can do is pray for justice and trust God.
I guess that is all we can keep the Faith and Trust.

Today, we celebrate your Birth! Today is your birthday and no one can take that from you. The bittersweet of that day comes back to me, as I let you go to a good family, hoping I made the right decision as a young girl myself  "in trouble". I'm still amazed at what a beautiful girl you had grown to be! I'm so honored and proud to have had 10 years as your friend and second MOM. We celebrate you today, and today I honor your life! Happy Birthday, Kim I"ll love you always, Bev

Update: March 11, 2010  Court date concerning the status of the case in their preparations for trial in May. From what I understand, this is just to make sure that the defense and prosecuting attourneys will be prepared for trial in May.